New Article: Showcasing Uses for Muon Imaging

We are excited to announce our new article on muon imaging in Geologi, Finland’s leading geoscience publication. The article highlights scientific research examples in which this innovative technique is used to explore internal structures of otherwise inaccessible places, such as ancient pyramids, deep ore bodies, and even erupting volcanoes. This demonstrates the non-invasive and high-resolution potential of muon imaging for advancing geoscience research.

This is the fourth instalment in our open-access article series “On the Verge of New Geophysics” (Finnish: Uudenlaisen geofysiikan äärellä), where we introduce the principles and applications of muon imaging to the Finnish geoscience community. The series is freely available and aims to engage a broad audience.

To recap the series: The first article introduces the fundamentals of muon imaging, explaining what muons are and how they penetrate dense materials, and provides a historical overview of developments in the field. The second article examines the technology and methodologies behind muon detection, describing how detectors record muons and translate this data into high-resolution density maps. The third article explores the critical role of simulations in optimising detector placement, refining data accuracy, and predicting imaging outcomes in complex environments.

The article series is freely accessible from the Geologi website:

  1. Muons and Common Applications of Muon Imaging [2022-12-16]
    Myonit ja myonigrafian yleisimmät sovellutukset
    Holma et al. 2022, Geologi, vol. 74, iss. 6, pp. 219–228.
  2. Detecting Muons and the Principles of Muon Imaging [2023-02-10]
    Myonien havaitseminen ja myonikuvauksen perusperiaatteet
    Holma et al. 2023, Geologi, vol. 75, iss. 1, pp. 26–43.
  3. Simulations in Muon Imaging [2023-12-15]
    Simulaatiot myonikuvauksessa
    Holma et al. 2023, Geologi, vol. 75, iss. 6, pp. 183–195.
  4. Geoscientific and Archaeological Applications of Muon Imaging [2024-10-18]
    Myonikuvauksen geotieteellisiä ja arkeologisia sovelluksia
    Korteniemi et al. 2024, Geologi, vol. 76, iss. 4–5, pp. 142–150.

Geologi is the official publication of the Finnish Geological Society and has been a cornerstone of geoscientific research and communication in Finland since 1948. Articles in this open-access magazine undergo rigorous editorial review to meet high scientific standards. While the articles are primarily in Finnish, English-language abstracts and figure captions make their main points accessible also to an international audience.

The article series is part of our contribution to the AGEMERA project, which applies advanced geophysical methods to explore Critical Raw Materials within Europe. A key goal of the project is to promote knowledge and acceptance of mineral exploration, which is essential for digitalisation and the transition to renewable energy sources.

Our article series represents a significant step forward in making muon imaging technology more widely understood, accessible, and accepted. From theoretical advancements to practical applications, the series demonstrates how muon imaging is transforming geosciences as well as adjacent fields. It marks a significant step toward making muon imaging technology more widely understood, accessible, and accepted.

Whether you’re a geoscientist, a student, or simply curious about how cosmic rays can be used to explore the hidden depths of our planet, this series has something to offer. Explore the series to learn more about the groundbreaking possibilities of muon imaging, and stay tuned as we share insights and push the boundaries of geophysical research.

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